As a professional photographer, you know that lighting is everything when it comes to capturing stunning portraits. Whether you're shooting headshots, family portraits, or fashion photography, the right lighting setup can make all the difference in the final product. In this blog post, we'll explore how to create the perfect lighting setup for portraits in a photography studio.

Choose the Right Space

The first step in creating a great lighting setup is choosing the right space. Your photography studio should have enough space for your equipment, your subjects, and any props you may want to use. It's also important to consider the natural lighting in the space, as this can affect your overall lighting setup. Look for a space with large windows to allow for natural light to enter the room.

Select Your Lighting Equipment

Once you have your space, it's time to select your lighting equipment. There are a variety of lighting options available, including strobe lights, continuous lights, and speedlights. Strobe lights are the most common type of lighting used in portrait photography, as they provide a powerful burst of light that freezes motion and creates sharp, well-defined shadows. Continuous lights, on the other hand, provide a constant source of light that is great for video and live streaming. Speedlights are smaller, portable flashes that are perfect for on-location shoots.

Set Up Your Lights

Now that you have your equipment, it's time to set up your lights. The most common lighting setup for portraits is a three-point lighting setup, which includes a key light, fill light, and backlight. The key light is the main light source and should be placed at a 45-degree angle to the subject. The fill light is used to fill in any shadows and should be placed on the opposite side of the key light. The backlight is used to separate the subject from the background and should be placed behind the subject.

Adjust Your Settings

Once you have your lights set up, it's time to adjust your camera settings. Start by setting your ISO to the lowest possible setting to reduce noise in your images. Next, set your aperture to a wide setting to create a shallow depth of field and blur the background. Finally, adjust your shutter speed to properly expose your image.

Experiment and Adjust

The final step in creating the perfect lighting setup for portraits is to experiment and adjust. Take test shots and adjust your lighting as needed. Try moving your lights to different positions, adjusting the power of your lights, and changing your camera settings to create different effects.


Creating the perfect lighting setup for portraits in a photography studio takes practice and experimentation. By following these steps and adjusting as needed, you can capture stunning portraits that will impress your clients and showcase your photography skills. At Greenhouse Gallery Studios, we offer a spacious and well-equipped photography studio that is perfect for capturing beautiful portraits. Contact us today to book your next photography session. To learn more about the services we offer, please click here. To get in touch with us, please click here or call us at (732) 952-0730